New in Esbjerg September 2024
New in Esbjerg newsfeed
We are drowning in hats, flowers, clocks, portals and rabbits at the Newcomer Service, preparing for Wonderland & Fantasyfestival. Clarisa, who is an intern at Esbjerg Newcomer Service, is making amazing backdrop for you all to enjoy. See you in Wonderland Sat & Sun Sept 14 & 15th!
Throughout September you will find a lineup of open house club visits, plus seminars & workshops about cultural navigation and Danish code of conducts.
Best regards Pia, Nicole & Clarisa
WONDERLAND, a part of Fantasyfestival 2024
SAT 14 & SUN 15 Sept 2024, 10AM-4PM @Esbjerg International house, Esbjerg
The International House will be transformed to Wonderland, during Fantasyfestival. Come to walk in the footsteps of Alice. Throughout venues and streets all over Esbjerg you can meet fantastic creatures and join magical activities - the main hub being Esbjerg Library.
Enjoy the atmosphere for free. To join activities & workshops, please purchase a day-pass at the entrance. (kids up to 12 free).
Find the full Fantasyfestival program (all venues) here.
Visit WONDERLAND to join a mad tea-party, attend the hatters workshop, investigate the wonder of cookies & mixology and more here
Esbjerg International Book club meetup
TUES Sep 17, 7PM @Sigma, Kongensgade 10, Esbjerg
Join to discuss ´The Cider House Rules´ by John Irving or come to find out if this is the book club for you:-) Please let the us know in the facebook group or to [email protected] if you plan on coming, so we can look out for you.
Enjoy the world of literature with others here
Esbjerg Toastmasters Club meeting
WED Sept 25 2024, 6PM @Esbjerg Main Library, Nørregade 19, Esbjerg (Storm P room)
Improve your presentation and public speaking skills in English. There is a fee to become a regular member, but you are welcome to join for free a few times. Contact [email protected] for more information - or simply show up.
Explore your speaking skills here
Newcomer meetup at Career fair Esbjerg
THU SEP 26 2024, 1PM @Blue Water Dokken, Gl. Vardevej 82, Esbjerg
Meet exciting companies and explore Career options. Sign up ahead here.
Find the Newcomer Service and other newcomers at 1PM by the ´Flyt til Esbjerg´ stall.
Investigate Career options in Esbjerg here
Esbjerg International Running Club
Looking for a fun running community in town? Feel free to join the Esbjerg International running club for weekly runds every Wednesdays at 17.15 starting from Gl. Vardevej (55.480776, 8.440085). Danes, Internationals, seasoned runners or those just starting out are welcome!
Connect with the running club and run along here
International Tuesdays at Folkehuset Kvaglund
TUESDAYS @Folkehuset Kvaglund, Kvaglundparken 12, Esbjerg Ø
Tværkulturelt Center offers a space for men to meet (Tues 5.30PM), a space for women to meet (Tues 3.30PM), a community dinner for 20 DKK per person (Tues 5.30PM) and a free language café (TUES 3.30PM & 6PM).
Simply show up. For questions please call Peter Sode Jensen or Lars Kristiansen at tel. 44125004.
Join International Tuesdays at Folkehuset Kvaglund here
Municipal Danish at AOF Job & Dansk upon arrival
The municipality will for the first period of your stay in Denmark cover the expenses for Danish Tuition at AOF Job & Dansk, which consists of 6 modules and can be used for a period of 5 years distributed with the help of a 42-month vouchers system. You will be required to pay a deposit of DKK 2,000,00 before the lessons start. The module tuition is targeted both at oral and written Danish.
To receive an offer for the tuition or to postpone start-up (so your voucher system will not begin) please reach out to Esbjerg Jobcenter, Carol Christiansen on email [email protected] or phone +45 76 16 74 33
For further questions about the curriculum and teaching methods please contact AOF Job og Dansk
FVU Danish-reading
FVU meaning continuing adult education and is a common concept in Denmark. Several schools offer FVU Danish classes to improve your Danish skills, including VUC, AOF and FOF. You will need to speak basic Danish prior to starting FVU Danish-reading. Basic level usually corresponds minimum to the first 2 modules of the municipality Danish Tuition or to being able to speak Danish freely in a dialogue.
Find a list of options and suppliers for FVU Danish in Esbjerg here
Free language cafés
Language Café at Cross Cultural Centre at Folkehuset Kvaglund
When: Tuesdays 3.30PM and 6PM. - Where: Kvaglundparken 12, 6705 Kvaglund.
You do not need to sign up for participation, simply show up to participate. You can read more about the Language Café at the Cross Cultural Centre here: www.ftc-ribesstift.dk
Language café at the Mentor Network
When: Saturdays, 10am. - 12pm. (basic speakers and beginners) - Where: 2nd floor, Vindrosen, Exnersgade 4, 6700 Esbjerg
You do not need to register, simply show up and feel free to bring kids along. You can read more about the language café at the Mentornetwork here: www.mentoresbjerg.dk
Investigate options for learning danish
FOF free beginners class from Sept 2024
FOF offers a free Danish classes for beginners starting September 10th (Danish Intro start), with a focus on vocabulary for daily life and preparation to continue to FVU/ more advanced Danish classes. Times for the classes are Mon 4-6.15PM and Wed 9-11.15AM. Please contact Jette Hoffgaard 29235530, [email protected] for more information.
Learn more about FOF here